Title development
When we edited our thriller, one of the stages was to add titles to our thriller, we had to make sure that the titles we used were appropriate for a thriller and suited the conventions well. When I analysed thriller film openings, this helped a lot with what we needed to do as we could see how other popular thrillers used titles effectively, for example, the timing of how long each title was going to be on screen for, where on the screen to put them and what order to put the titles in. Also what font to put the titles in. Therefore I researched into fonts and found out about serif and sans-serif fonts that were popular in thrillers. We used this establishing shot to open up our title sequence. We thought this would be good as it shows the location but also gives a date so the audience knows when this happened. This is our main title where we present the name of the film to the audience, this occurs right at the end of the opening sequence, it pops up in the middle of the scr...