How audiences are grouped and engaged- Initial research

Audiences are grouped in two ways: Psychographic and Demographic

Psychographic grouping includes people being grouped by their: Personality, Interests, Lifestyles, Beliefs, Ideology

Demographic grouping includes people being grouped by their: Age, Gender, Class, Sexuality, Ethnicity, Geographical location, Race,

Blumler and Katz uses and gratification theory

Theory concludes that different people can use the same communication message for different purposes. The sam media content may satisfy different needs for different people.

There are 4 uses and gratifications that may change how a person decodes what the media is trying to encode to the audience. 

1. Personal relationships 2. Identity 3. Escapism 4. Surveillance 

Personal relationships with characters is key as if the audience can build and feel like they have a personal relationship with the character then they will be more likely to be engaged in the media show. Characters can influence people's lives and how they chose to act, they can become like role models to people if the person builds a really strong relationship with the character.

Identity- Identity is a socially and historically constructed concept. Social and cultural identity links to issues of power, value systems, and ideology. Media uses representations to show identity through images, words, characters or personae to show values related to culture and identity in society 

Escapism- Escapism engages audience as they use the media show to escape from reality, and it turns into their daily routine. They want to have a break from the their every day boring life so they turn to watching media. 

Surveillance- Collecting personal data from surveys to help you decide and acknowledge what target audience you are going to make your thriller towards. 

Audiences are engaged to media through meaning, meaning is created by the way the media show encodes the message and how the audience choses to decode the message given. 

Stuarts Hall theory of encode and decode-

Meaning is encoding through semiotics and micro elements. 

Semiotics tries to investigate how cultural meanings encode by media texts e.g. Programs, are adapted for specific purposes and then redistributed through the culture. Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols as they communicate things that are unspoken and spoken, common signs that are understood are traffic signs and emojis. Semiotics in media is shown by the way the audience encodes signs and symbols through pictures in media, and how they all decode the message that is given from the picture. 

Micro elements such as camera work, lighting, sound, editing, props, costumes, M-E-S, all create meaning as the micro elements signify different meanings, the audience can instantly decode the message through micro elements such as, the sound of loud high pitched screeching suggests something bad is about to happen, or props such as a knife signifies danger and possible death in a thriller. 

Barthes enigma code theory

An enigma code refers to any element of a text that is not fully explained; this becomes a mystery to an audience which makes them engaged as it keeps them guessing on what may happen next. Enigma codes are effective as the audience is unable to decode the message which makes the audience feel curious as they can normally decode the message. 

The VALS system is a marketing tool used to predict a consumers behaviour. VALS stands for 'Values and Lifestyles and is a series of questions to help define a target audience. VALS system helps you get an idea through a survey on their values and lifestyle on what they might like in a thriller movie. There are 8 types of VALS 

Innovators- Confident, always taking up information, enjoy challenge of problem solving, future orientated, 

Thinkers- Plan, research, and consider before they act, financially established, buy proven products, not influenced by what's hot

Believers- Want friendly communities, not. looking to change society, Have strong me-too fashion, Watch TV and read romance novels to find an escape

Achievers- Goal orientated, private, professional, peer conscious, moderate, "me first, my family first" attitude, believe money is a source of authority 

Strivers- Fun loving, use videos and video games as a form of fantasy, are imitative

Experiences- Want everything, are spontaneous, See themselves as very sociable, Are up on the latest fashions, Love physical attention, Believe friends are extremely important

                                                Makers- Want to own land, Want to protect what they perceive to be theirs, Have strong outdoor interests, Are distrustful of government

                                              Survivors- Cautious and risk averse, Oldest consumers, Heavy TV viewers, Spend most of their time alone, Least likely to use the internet, take comfort in routine, familiar people, and places

Here I have done a survey to help me find a target audience and what people like to see in thriller films.  


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